Lloyd Mats Store is the official factory site where all Lloyd products for all makes and models can be purchased. The “Where to buy” section along with most product and vehicle pages of this website, provide links to Lloyd Mats Store, as well as a number of fine automotive accessory retailers that sell Lloyd Mats.
For your convenience, we have organized our dealers into three basic categories. First are the “Premier” dealers.
These are large dealers who do a significant volume of business and sell every item in the Lloyd Mats lineup.
Next are the “Configurator” dealers. These dealers –as well as most of the Premier dealers—employ a proprietary
“Configurator” software program and database that enables them to custom order any Lloyd Mats product to your
Then we have “Specialist” dealers who primarily focus on specific brands, such as Corvettes, Mustangs, Porsches.
These dealers are experts in their particular niche markets.
There are essentially two paths to take when determining what to order. You can browse among the nine different
floor mat products manufactured by Lloyd Mats, (Luxe, Ultimat, Berber 2, etc.) choose one, get details on
that particular mat, and then seek out your application.
You may also opt to start the process by clicking on one of the vehicle categories. These include popular marques
(Corvette, Camaro, Mustang, etc.) as well as general groups (Trucks/SUVs, All Others, etc.). From there you can
see which Lloyd Mat products are available for that vehicle (CHOICES), view the material samples (COLORS) and
see which factory-licensed logos are offered (LOGOS) for the application. At any time you may click on the
“BUY NOW” button and be taken to a list of dealers.