Ultimat Mats
The Ultimat material was originally designed for automotive use with comfort, performance and durability as the objective. Over 30 years later the Ultimat brand is still the best selling, custom fit logo mat in the automotive aftermarket. Featuring premium two-ply Nylon yarn that is more dense and wear-resistant than OEM carpeting, Ultimats provide great style, function and longevity in every vehicle they’re installed.
Velourtex Mats
An outstanding value and popular-priced original equipment replacement mat, with a heavier more dense face than factory mats. Velourtex mats have a silky smooth texture, made of premium Nylon yarn and they feature the same multi-layer backing as the higher priced mat products from Lloyd.
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This premium grade carpet is the thickest, heaviest, deepest pile we can manufacture, with yarn specially Scotchgard treated for stain and soil resistance. LUXE mats are hand-beveled around emblems and the perimeter, creating beautifully finished edges. They are warranted for as long as the original mat buyer keeps the vehicle.
TruBerber Mats
Enjoy the rich style of Berber carpeting with its complimentary colored flecked yarns and large, nubby, loop texture. This specially blended yarn provides the crush and stain resistance of Nylon with the strength and fade-resistance of Polypropylene. The commingled multi-tonal yarns also help hide surface soiling. TruBerber is the heaviest berber style automotive mat available. TruBerber mats provide a unique, practical enhancement for any vehicle. Get more information on this product BUY NOW
Classic Loop
This newest product from Lloyd Mats is an economically priced custom mat that features a unique process whereby the color is added to the liquid polypropylene before the material solidifies and is woven into yarn. This creates a carpet that is inherently fade, stain and soil resistant. It features a low, dense, loop that is extremely wear resistant, allowing Classic Loop mats to be warranted for five years. Lloyd’s signature multi-layer with final TractionBac completes these economically priced custom fit mats.
These heavy-weight composition rubber mats are ideally suited for use in any climate or environment; beaches, desert, mountains, you name it. Each mat has hundreds of “wells” to hold water, snow, sand, mud, or spills and just hose them off to clean. Rubbertite mats are available in over 10,000 custom, prcision cut patterns for virtually every vehicle sold in the U.S. since the 50’s. Passenger area, trunk, cargo and deck are well protected with Rubbertite mats.
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Protector Mat
Protector Mats provide the perfect light duty, all weather protection, without a commercial rubber appearance. These custom fit, heavy weight clear vinyl mats keep your vehicle’s carpeting dry and clean, while letting the carpet color show through. With over 10,000 patterns, Lloyd can cut Protector Mats to fit any passenger or cargo area of every car, truck, SUV and van. They stay firmly in place with factory compatible mat anchors, along with their aggressive nibbed backing. The face has a textured surface to provide non-slip safety.
Lloyd Mats Product Comparison Chart
